
Friday, February 28, 2014

Here's Carol Doster

Day Three of introductions to the team members traveling to Sierra Leone in two weeks . . . get to know Carol Doster, my good friend and soon-to-be "roomie."  In the past few years, I have grown to love Carol who is so full of life, a little zany (or maybe, mucho zany), a wild and crazy dresser, and talented beyond belief.  Today, you get to see a side of her that goes way beyond this description. Please pray for Carol today as you read a few verses from her favorite book in the Bible, Proverbs.  She loves that book because it offers instruction on how to live. Here's Carol. 
"In years past I have been asked why I go to Africa.  Some people follow
up that statement with, "there are lots of people here that need help".  Yes, I realize that many Americans are hungry and have medical needs.  And I do help with volunteer work in Paris, then Henry County, and then other states, and finally out of the country.  But ever since Dr. Debi Selby has been making the medical mission trip to Sierra Leone, I feel the money is worth it.  There are probably only 4 medical doctors in all of Sierra Leone.  Children are very, very low on the 'important' list for receiving medical attention.  So many have burns from playing around the fire the Mother has prepared in order to do her cooking.  That's just one example of the medical ailments we see while in country.  The mission trip teaches me to be humble--to enjoy the smallest of things in life and how easily I am able to sustain life.

As a kid when I didn't eat all my food, Mom would sometimes say "There are starving children in Ethiopia."  I'd think, "Well, send 'em this food."  But to see the hunger, not just for food, it changed me.

I had always wanted to leave America.  Not permanently, just wanted to go somewhere else.  I never thought of a mission trip, but God had plans.  When Joe Geary asked me in 2003 if I'd be interested in going to Sierra Leone, Africa, I said 'yes' very fast.  I remember him suggesting I go home and talk to Kenny about it first! 

This will be my sixth trip.  On previous trips, I have been on the construction part of the team and a farm worker as Craig Harris's assistant.  But I feel most useful being part of the medical team. Sierra Leone, here I come."


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