
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Preparing for the Journey

  Preparing for the Journey...

Happy Wednesday morning!  Last night our entire team met together to pack all the medicines and medical supplies that we currently have for our upcoming trip.  I arrived late because I had a previous engagement.  When I entered the room, I was amazed at the work that was taking place. Large suitcases were spread out all around the room and everyone was focused on getting them packed.

Afterwards, the suitcases were each weighed and because they were all under the maximum weight and most not full, we composed a list of additional items we need for the trip.
 1.  Sunglasses with protection from UV rays
 2.  Lots of small scissors (not children's scissors)

We are hoping the generosity of our church members will enable us to provide every child we see with a pair of sunglasses and every midwife with scissors.  Our team is so grateful for the prayers, contributions, thoughtfulness, and caring shown by so many people.  We promise to show the same love, generosity, and kindness to the people of Sierra Leone.

We are all getting excited for our upcoming trip.  The "first timers" of the team--Tonya and Laura Nash and I-- are glad that we will traveling and working with Robert Hill, Dr. Debi & Rebecca Selby, Carol Doster, and Debbie Jelks who have made multiple trips to Sierra Leone.  We are expecting to see over 1,000 children in at least six clinics and one mobile clinic.  Incredible, simply incredible!!  How blessed I feel to be able to make this trip and thanks to my dear, loving, supportive husband, John, who is sacrificing to enable me to go.

More to come soon!  Remember to keep praying . . .



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