
Friday, March 7, 2014

Words from Robert Hill, the Sole (& Soul) Man on This Trip

Only a brave soul would venture out of the country for ten days with seven women and no other men.  Robert Hill is truly a unique man.  I have only known him for a short while but I KNOW why Carol Doster and Debi Selby said they would make this trip ONLY if Robert agreed to go and serve as our team leader.  He has worked diligently to prepare us for this journey--handling all the logistics, maintaining contact with our team members in Sierre Leone, and guiding us spiritually.  I appreciate his patience with my numerous questions.  Today, it's time for you to hear from him.  As you pray for serenity for the team, say an extra prayer for Robert who all of us depend on.
"As I’m about to participate in my eighth trip to Sierra Leone I’m reminded of Dr. Geary’s words to me as I was about to set foot on the African continent for the first time, “Robert, this will forever change your life.” And as I prepare to leave in less than one week, I’m still unable to fully fathom the meaning of that statement, but I do know that a part of Christ’s revelation of Himself for me lies on the African continent.
Each trip unfolds differently and yet there is always that revelation of His self that appears during each trip that brings relevance to my faith and actions. And that revelation of His self appears in the form of grace. Grace to others and grace from others--being part of it and a witness to it.
(left to right) Ju Tommy, Robert Hill,
Carol Doster, and Evelyn Tommy
Grace, for me, always appears as a “lumbering beast” only making its presence known when it’s needed and desired. I’ve seen grace appear as a Lebanese druggist and I’ve seen it appear during lunch with Catholic nuns. I’ve seen grace make its presence known through my daughters' desires to help with their father’s travels. And I’ve had the honor and blessing of seeing grace appear in my life as a man named Jusufu Tommy who has taught me that grace and forgiveness are one in the same.

And so as I make another journey within a journey to be a part of manifesting the kingdom of God for others, I find that the kingdom of God is made manifest to me through the grace of others and Christ himself." 


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