Saturday, March 8, 2014

Meet Samuel and Lucy Kangaju

Today, I am happy to introduce two more vital members of our team in Sierra Leone.  I look forward to meeting and getting to know them.  I can only offer you a brief introduction to this couple at this time but promise to share more with you once we are "in country." 

Samuel and Lucy Kangaju live in Freetown, Sierra Leone. They have one daughter, Samuela.  Samuel, better known as Kangaju, is a teacher at a girls' school in Freetown.  Lucy owns her own business as a caterer in Freetown. Samuel and Lucy were introduced to a previous team through Sam Pieh during the January 2007 trip.  They have been an integral part of every trip since that time.  They both work as "in country" interpreters,speaking three different languages Mendes, Krio, and English for the team and they are also our comrades in the pharmacy.  I am thankful that they will be working with Carol, Debbie, and I in the pharmacy.  They will be so helpful in providing the parents with care and dosage instructions associated with their prescriptions and other information.  

Today, we ask you to pray for Kangaju and Lucy that they continue to be "strengthened with all the power according to His glorious might" (Colossians 1: 11).   Give thanks to God and ask him to bless this couple as well as Ju and his sister, Evelyn, to whom we are eternally grateful.                                                   

I close today's post with a "Word for the Day" that Robert Hill's mother sent him.  It seems so fitting as we recognize our team members in Sierra Leone who we value immensely and look forward to seeing soon. 


Given the reality of cultural diversity, people need not only to accept the existence of the culture of others, but also to aspire to be enriched by it and to offer to it whatever they possess that is good, true, and beautiful.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

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